How many foods that start with M can you think of? There are more than you may think! We have found 30 incredible foods that start with M, many of which we had never heard of. How many of these delicious M foods are new to you? And how many are you going to try? We suggest giving all of the M foods a shot so that you can become a true M food connoisseur.
List of Foods that Begin with M
Foods that Start With the Letter M
Let’s take a look at what you need to start to cook in order to eat all the foods beginning with M.
1. Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts are the first letter m food on our list and it is a great one for sure. The macadamia nut tree is native to Australia but is now grown in places like Brazil, Costa Rica, and Hawaii. The nuts are rich in nutrients and have a subtle, buttery texture and taste.
2. Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is made from the sap of the maple tree. The sap can come from a red maple or sugar maple. The sugary sap is collected after the first frost breaks. The sap is then boiled and clarified to make beautiful, sweet syrup. The syrup is graded based on its clarity with class A syrup being the best quality.
3. Meatloaf
Meatloaf is a classic American meal that is easy to make and must be included in our letter m food list. It can be made with almost any kind of ground meat. Beef, chicken, turkey, and lamb are all commonly blended together with spices, bread crumbs, and eggs. The mix is baked then sliced and served with gravy.
4. Milk
Milk has to be included in our letter m food list! Milk is consumed in every country around the world in varying forms. There are dairy varieties that come from cows and its the most common kind sold in the United States. Milk can also come from sheep, lambs, and goats. Non-dairy milk is also quite popular. Almond and coconut milk can easily be found in any grocery store. Milk often has vitamin A, vitamin D and other nutrients added to it.
5. Macaroni
Macaroni is a type of dry pasta. Macaroni is shaped like a small tube and can be either straight or curved. Macaroni can be made at home but it is most commonly made in mass production kitchens where the small pasta tubes are quickly shaped.
6. Mango
Mango is a tropical fruit that is native to India. Mangos have very thin skin that needs to be peeled off. The orange tropical fruit then is cut away from the large pit in the center of the mango. Mango is juicy, sweet, and perfect to eat raw.
7. Mombin
Mombin is an interesting tropical fruit on our list of foods that start with m. Mombin is a member of the cashew family but they resemble purple plums. Tropical fruit is used more for medicinal purposes than eating. Mombin sometimes goes by the name hog plums and can be used to make jelly, sauce recipes, and fruit juice.
8. Monkfish
Monkfish is often called the poor mans lobster. It is a bottom-dwelling fish and eats foods off the ocean floor, just like a lobster. Monkfish is meaty, mild, and a little bit sweet. It is often used in French culinary recipes. Lots of foods pair well with monkfish thanks to its subtle flavor.
9. Mandarin
Mandarin is a small orange-colored fruit that is part of the orange family. The citrus fruit is peeled, sliced, and eaten raw. Mandarins grow in warmer climates. The small fruit is quite acidic but also has a pleasantly sweet, floral flavor.
10. Morello
Morello is a variety of sour cherry. The fruits have dark red skin and the juice is the same color. Morello’s are very sweet but also have a subtle tangy taste. They are great for using in pie recipes or pitting to eat raw. Morello cherry trees will grow fruits when planted in the UK or US.
11. Mutton
Mutton is a term that is used to describe domestic sheep. A sheep is considered mutton when it has reached a mature age. It has a strong, meaty flavor and can be quite tough. Any recipe that uses mutton will be heavily seasoned in order to mask the flavor of the meat.
12. Mozzarella
Mozzarella cheese originated in southern Italy. It was first made with buffalo milk but now is typically made from cow’s milk. Mozzarella is stringy, salty, and has a very mild taste. It is the main cheese used to make pizza.
13. Madeira Cake
Madeira cake is a type of sponge cake. It is made with butter, flour, eggs, and vanilla as the primary ingredients. Madiera cake is usually covered in thin icing, sliced, and served on a dish as a dessert or breakfast. This cake differs from other sponge cakes as it is much more dense and hearty.
14. Medlar
Medlar is another fruit on our list of foods that start with M. It is a small fruit that looks like a combination of an apple and rosehip. They are not edible until they begin to soften and almost rot. The fruit smells very pungent but actually has a very mild flavor. Medlar’s are native to South Africa and not commonly exported.
15. Mustard
Mustard is a very common condiment when it is in a paste form. It can also be consumed as small seeds straight from the plant. Mustard seeds are often ground into a fine powder before being used to season numerous culinary dishes.
16. Meatball
Meatballs are made using ground meat, seasonings, and breadcrumbs. Meatballs are rolled into small balls and then baked, fried, or cooked in a tomato sauce. They are actually one of the top dinner dishes in the United States. They can be made from almost any kind of meat as long as it is ground or finely chopped.
17. Marrow
Marrow is a small, tender piece of meat found inside a bone. While it may be small, it definitely deserves a spot on our list of m foods! It has a very strong, sweet taste. It is also very nutritious. It is high in calories but also high in vitamins and minerals like collagen and vitamin B12. Bone marrow served alongside some sauteed vegetables makes for a perfect dish! Some even believe that broth made with this m food will help cure any cold.
18. Melon
Melon is our next letter m food and a very tasty m food at that. There are different kinds of delicious, juicy melon that you can try. Watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe are the most common kinds of melons sold in the United States. Melon makes for a great kids snack, a healthy dessert and some enjoy it as breakfast!
19. Mole
Mole is a dark brown sauce found in Mexican cuisine. Mole is made with chocolate, spices, tomatoes, and chili peppers. The sweet and spicy taste makes it perfect to pair with all different kinds of meat. Chocolate mole is considered to be a delicacy and we know why; it tastes so good! You can find a mole dish on almost every authentic Mexican restaurant menu out there.
20. Muscadine
Muscadine grapes are a variety of grapes found in the southern United States. The sweet table grape is perfect for eating right off the vine. Muscadine is often used to make sweet wines and also jelly. This variety of grape needs a constant warm climate in order to thrive.
21. Mushroom
Mushrooms are actually a fungal growth that can be toxic. Only certain kinds of mushrooms are edible. Portobello, lobster, Bella, and oyster are all types of edible mushrooms but there are possibly hundreds more. Truffles are considered to be the best kind of mushroom, having the juiciest, earthy flavor. Truffles are also quite rare and expensive. You can find fresh mushrooms alongside the vegetables in the grocery store.
22. Margarine
Margarine is a butter-like spread that is made from vegetables. Margarine can be used for baking, cooking, and just eating on a piece of bread. It is lower in fat than butter since it is made from vegetables. Some people prefer the taste and texture of margarine over butter as well.
23. Margarita
Margarita is a sour, alcoholic beverage that originated in Mexico. Margaritas are made using tequila, lemon juice, orange liquor, and lime juice. They can be made into a frozen slushy drink or served over cubed ice. The rim of a margarita glass is often covered in salts or sugar.
24. Muffins
Muffins are a soft baked good that is typically eaten for breakfast. They have a similar texture to cake and can often be just as sweet. There are hundreds of different flavors from classic blueberry muffins to chocolate chip. You can add almost any kind of dried fruits to a muffin, adding both nutrition and flavor. A muffin is easy to eat breakfast and great to enjoy on the go.
25. McCoy’s Salt & Malt Vinegar Crisps
McCoy’s salt & malt vinegar crisps are a very flavorful, popular kind of chip. They are extremely tangy and very salty. This powerful flavor combination makes for the perfect snack.
26. Mahi Mahi
Mahi Mahi is a tropical fish found in warm waters and a perfect addition to our m foods especially because it has 2! Mahi Mahi is often called a dolphin fish. The fish is very large and powerful hence the name “Mahi Mahi”. It translates to mean “strong strong” in Hawaiian.
27. Mac n Cheese
Mac n cheese is a classic kid meal made with pasta and melted cheese. You can find lots of kinds of mac n cheese in the grocery store boxed pasta section. Some boxes contain preportioned pasta and a dry packet of cheesy powder to mix in. You can make your own version using real recipes for a more authentic dish. Homemade mac may also be a little healthier for your kids!
28. Marmalade
Marmalade is a kind of jam made by using oranges. The oranges are sliced with the peels still on the fruits. The peel helps the jelly set up and solidify as it cooks. Marmelade is sweet but also slightly tart. The large pieces of fruits are a signature of the jelly.
29. Meat
Meat in general is an essential food and needs to be added to our list of foods that start with M. Meat refers to any kind of animal flesh used for cooking. Meat is consumed around the world and is high in protein, fat, and nutrients. There are thousands of ways to prepare meat and your favorite kind may vary depending on where you live. Poultry is the most commonly consumed meat in the United States while most of Europe favors pork.
30. Marshmallows
Marshmallows are a sweet, fluffy dessert made from whipped egg whites, gelatin, and sugar. The sugar is cooked to 235 degrees F and then poured into a gelatin mix. The ingredients are whipped quickly to incorporate lots of air, making the marshmallow fluffy. You may find marshmallows by the campfire, inside ice cream, or even on a sandwich.
It is hard to believe how many foods start with the letter m! From snacks to fruits, meats to dairy, there are m foods in almost every category. Hopefully, you get a chance to try a few and maybe find some new foods that you love.
While we think our list of m foods is pretty complete, maybe you know of one or two foods that we may have missed. Let us know and we can add your favorite letter m foods to our list! Now head to your local grocery store and buy a few m foods from our list and start tasting. Let us know which dish or foods are your favorite.
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