You will be amazed by how many fruits that start with P there are in the world. And we have found them all for you!
If you are a fruit lover or just curious about fruits, you should definitely try eating your way through the fruit alphabet. It is surprisingly easy to do. Fruits have such unique names that there is a fruit for every letter.
Today we will show you all the fruits that start with P. From passion fruit to prickly pear, we have written about them all! Take a look, and then give them all a try!
Fruits that Start with the Letter P
We have found 15 different fruits that start with P. Each one is exciting, flavorful, and interesting. Which fruit will you try first?
1. Passion Fruit
The first fruit on our list of fruits that start with P is the passion fruit. Passion fruit is a tropical fruit that is a bright purple color. The pulp and seeds are both rich in antioxidants.
Passion fruit is very sweet but also has a slight tart flavor like citrus fruits. Passion fruit also has a subtle floral flavor.
To eat passion fruits, cut them in half, and then use a spoon to scoop out the pulp. Passion fruits are delicious when enjoyed fresh but can also be used in juice recipes or to make a dessert.
2. Pitaya
Pitaya is the next of our P fruits. It also goes by the name dragon fruit. Pitaya is a cactus fruit that is indigenous to the Americas.
Pitaya, or dragon fruit, has bright pink skin. Dragon fruit can also be a pale yellow. The inside of the fruit is bright white with small black, edible seeds.
3. Plantains
Plantains are often mistaken for bananas. They do look very similar! Plantains and bananas both belong to the Musaceae family. Plantains have much thicker skin than the bananas sold in grocery stores.
Plantains have a lot of starch and are typically used in savory dishes. They can be sauteed and cooked with some brown sugar to be more like a dessert. Plantains definitely taste best when cooked.
4. Pinova Apple
Pinova apples were first cultivated in Germany around 1986. The sweet, aromatic apple was so popular in Europe that it made its way around the world.
Pinova apples taste similar to a banana and orange. It has a sweetness like honey and a nice crisp crunch.
5. Pulasan Fruit
Pulasan is the next fruit on our list of fruits that start with P. Pulasan is a tropical fruit often confused for rambutan fruit.
Pulasan is similar in taste to lychee. It has spiky, dark skin and a very soft white pulp. The skin is very leathery, and the spikes easily give when pressed.
The fruit can be cracked open using your thumbs. The seed easily pulls away, and the soft center pops out. The flavor is very similar to that of an almond.
6. Pomegranate
Break open a pomegranate, and you will find hundreds of edible seeds called arils. The red, juicy seeds are actually the part of the pomegranate that you eat. It is such a cool fruit beginning with P!
Pomegranates are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are considered to be one of the healthiest fruits in the world.
Pomegranates have a sweet and tangy flavor. Like many citrus fruits, they are refreshing, bold, and juicy. Pomegranate juice is quite delicious, but the fruit is also tasty eaten fresh.
7. Pomelo
Pomelo is the largest citrus fruit in the world. The giant green fruit is native to Southeast Asia and is a natural, nonhybrid fruit. It is still most popular in southeast Asian countries but gaining in popularity around the world.
Pomelo is very similar to a grapefruit. The fruit’s texture and mild taste are almost identical.
Pomelo has a more subtle and floral flavor than grapefruit. They also have a nice, honey-like flavor.
Pomelo is full of vitamin C and is considered to be very healthy. It is a fruit that starts with P that you should add to your daily routine!
8. Plum
From Japanese plums to European plums, there are plums all around the world! Plums not only start with P, but they are also purple- another letter P word!
Plums are related to peaches and cherries. They have a singular pit in the center of the fruit. The thin, purple skin is edible.
Plums are great for eating fresh off the tree or baking into pies and cakes. They are also very nutritious and known to improve bone health.
9. Papaya
Papaya fruit grows in warm, tropical climates. It originated in Central America and Southern Mexico.
Papayas are also known as pawpaws which means they are a fantastic fruit for our list of fruits that start with P.
Eating papaya may improve digestion. It has a sweet flavor and a creamy texture. The black seeds in the center need to be discarded.
The enzymes in papaya are also quite useful. They are great to use in soaps and help brighten skin.
The enzymes in papaya also make a great meat tenderizer. Papaya marinated meat sounds incredible!
10. Pear
The next of the fruits that start with P is the popular pear. Pears have actually been around for thousands of years. They were even considered sacred in Greek Mythology.
They are one of the many fruits that have remained popular throughout history. Pears are a yellowish-brown fruit that is known for their unique shape. They have a wide base and a narrow top.
They are actually part of the rose family. The rose family also includes cherries, raspberries, and even almonds. However, the prickly pear is a completely different fruit, despite its name.
Pears are one of the most versatile fruits on our list. They are delicious when eaten fresh and have a nice sweet taste.
The fruits can be chopped and added to a fruit salad, baked into a pie, or made into a sauce to serve over roasted pork. P fruits sure have a lot of uses!
11. Pineapple
Pineapples are a tropical plant that grows a single fruit in the center. Pineapple is a very large fruit and can grow up to several pounds.
Pineapples can be found in almost all the tropical regions, from South America to southern Florida. They are super healthy but also super yummy!
Pineapples are quite acidic. They are sweet but also sour. You can tell if a pineapple is ripe by smelling it. If it smells sweet, cut off the peel and enjoy the yellow fruit!
12. Peach
Peaches are round, orange, and pink-colored stone fruits. They ripen at the peak of summer since more heat helps the firm fruit soften. There is nothing quite as delicious as biting into the flesh of a juicy, ripe peach!
Peaches are sweet and a little acidic. They are one of the most versatile fruits starting with P. Peach slices can be added to a mug of green tea, baked into muffins, or enjoyed raw.
A ripe peach will have lots of delicious juice. Blend a few fresh peaches and strawberries together, and you can enjoy a tasty summer smoothie!
13. Persian Lime
Persian limes are also called seedless limes. Most grocery store limes are considered Persian limes. The small green fruit is more tart than those grown in southern Florida.
Persian limes have thick skins, especially when compared to sweeter key limes. They are very juicy and perfect for using to make drinks, savory dishes, and desserts.
14. Phalsa Fruit
The scientific name for the phalsa fruit is Grewia asiatica. They are also known as Indian sherbet berries. We like the cool name phalsa fruit since it starts with P!
This exciting fruit that begins with P fruit looks very similar to grapes. They grow in clusters and have a sweet and tart taste. The fruit does not transport well like other fruits and needs to be eaten quickly and locally.
15. Pluot
The last fruit on our list of fruits that start with P is the pluot. Pluots are a hybrid fruit made from apricots and plums. The pluot is sixty percent plum and only forty percent apricot.
Pluots are completely sweet. They have no bitter taste that a plum may occasionally have. Most people prefer pluots over traditional plums since they have more sugar.
Pluots grow best in climates where winters are cold and frosty. Northern America is a better place for pluots than central America. The thin skin is just as delicious as the juicy flesh.
Citrus Fruits and Tropical Fruits That Start With P
Did you discover some new and exciting fruits that start with P? There are so many tasty things to try! Let us know which letter P fruits you love the best.
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