We love fruits that start with K, and we know you will too. There are so many exciting and interesting fruits that begin with K that it is quite surprising.
You will definitely learn about some new fruits and rediscover some of your favorite letter K fruits, too.
We have found an incredible amount of fruits that start with K and gathered them here for you to enjoy. Time to take a look!
Fruits that Start with the Letter K
We have 23 different fruits that start with the letter K. From reading about the common kiwi to the exciting karonda fruit. You will be craving fruit by the end of this list!
1. Kaffir Lime Fruit
The kaffir lime fruit is a green citrus fruit. Both the fruit and leaves are edible.
Kafir limes grow on a tropical tree. Kaffir lime fruit can be used for its tangy juice, but the plant’s leaves are most often used as a spice.
The leaves of the kaffir lime tree have a floral and powerful taste. Kaffir lime goes well with chicken dishes and curry.
2. Kiwi Fruit
Kiwi fruit is often simply called kiwi. Kiwi fruit is edible berries that are grown on woody vines.
A kiwi is about the size of a large egg. The edible fruit is a bright green with a white center and small black seeds.
3. Kakadu Plum Fruit
Kakadu plum fruit is a native Australian fruit. Kakadu plums are rich in vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals.
Kakadu plums are sour and also astringent. The Kakadu plum can be eaten fresh or dried.
4. Kei Apple Fruit
Kei apples are small, tangy fruits that grow on evergreen trees. The rare fruits are also considered to be berries. Kei apple fruit is native to Southern Africa.
5. Kumquat Fruit
Kumquat fruit is a small, orange citrus fruit. The peel of the kumquat is edible, and the fruit also has edible seeds. The entire little kumquat can be eaten!
The oval-shaped fruit is about an inch long. They are slightly sour and also sweet.
6. Kepel Fruit
Kepel fruit is an edible yellowish-brown fruit that is about 6 centimeters long. Kepel fruit is slightly rough and takes about six months to ripen.
Kepel fruit has a sweet and tropical taste. These little fruits that start with K have a terrible, sour taste when not ripe.
7. Kabosu Fruit
The kabosu fruit is a citrus fruit that is popular in Japan. They are used to season fish dishes and sashimi.
Kabosu fruit is sour and tangy like a lemon but with a more vinegary flavor. The round green fruit is very hard with a juicy center.
8. Kundang Fruit
Kundang fruit is used widely in Indonesia and Malaysia. The cherry-sized fruit has red to yellow skin that is juicy and sweet.
Kundang fruit is often called a mango plum. It is a great fruit for our list of fruits that start with K!
9. Korlan Fruit
The korlan fruit is a red berry-sized fruit. The round-shaped fruit grows in small clusters.
They are generally known as wild lychee. The entire fruit is edible, including the bumpy red skin.
10. Key Lime
Key limes are also known as West Indies limes. The edible fruit found in the west indies was a rare fruit but is now readily available around the world.
The fruit is typically about one to two inches long. They are green and also yellow.
Key limes have a citrus flavor and a subtle floral taste. Key lime juice is delicious for making pies.
11. Kutjera Fruit
Kutjera fruits ripen in the winter. They are brown and wrinkly.
The fruit is rich in vitamin C. They are similar to bush tomatoes.
12. Kanzi Apple
Kanzi apples are a brand-name fruit that is refreshing and crunchy. The fruit is marketed as an energy booster.
Kanzi apples are grown to be a perfect size for a kid’s snack. They are beautiful apples with a more mild taste.
13. Kyoho Grapes
Kyoho grapes are large with a deep maroon color. The grapes were first developed in Japan.
Kyoho grapes closely resemble concord grapes. The grape is great for eating fresh or using to make jams and jellies.
14. Kokoneos
Dried coconuts are known as kokoneos. They are very popular in Korea. They have a tropical flavor that is very sweet.
15. Keitt Mango
Keitt mango is a large type of mango. They are fiberless and perfect for peeling and cutting to freeze.
Keitt mangoes are grown in California and are said to be one of the most flavorful and tangy mangoes on the market.
16. Kvede
Kvede fruit is a type of quince. The fruit is golden yellow and the size of an apple.
Kvede can be eaten raw but is often used in many dishes in Southeast Asian cuisines.
17. Kaki Persimmon
Kaki persimmons are a Japanese variety of persimmon. They have a spicy and sweet taste.
These great fruits that start with K are best eaten raw but must be perfectly ripe, or they’d have a terrible, bitter taste.
18. Kapok Fruit
Kapok fruit grows in dense rainforests. While the fruit is edible, it is most often used as silk cotton. The seeds are eaten raw or dried and ground to be a spice.
19. Keule Fruit
Keule fruit is the size of an average egg. They are a golden yellow color.
Keule fruit is sweet and mainly used in making jelly and marmalade.
20. Knobby Russet Apple
The knobby russet apple is a small to medium-sized fruit. The fruit’s skin is covered in bumps and warts.
The fruit is asymmetrical. The white flesh of the knobby apple fruit is juicy and sweet.
21. Karkalla Fruit
The karkalla fruit has a bright purple flower. It can withstand salty air and hot, warm winds.
The fruit grows to be about the size of a grape.
22. Kwai Muk Fruit
Kwai Muk fruit is in the same family as breadfruit. They are small, round fruit with velvety, yellow, and brown skin.
Kwai Muk fruit is acidic but has a lovely taste similar to citrus fruits.
23. Kahikatea Fruit
Kahikatea fruit grows primarily in New Zealand. The fruit has a jelly-like texture. Kahikatea fruit also has a sweet and sour taste like a berry.
Fruits Starting with the Letter K
It is incredible how many amazing fruits that start with K there are in the world. From the letter K fruits of Tropical southeast Asia to those found deep in central America, K fruits are everywhere!
Which fruits that start with K will you try first?
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