Are you ready to learn all about the incredible fruits that start with A? There are a surprising amount of letter A fruits, and we have found them all!
Use this list of fruits that start with A to kick off your eating journey through the alphabet. Beginning with the letter A fruits is the best place to start!
Fruits that Start with the Letter A
We have found 25 delicious fruits that start with A. Each one is unique, tasty, and worth a try!
1. Asian pear
Asian pears are medium-sized fruit. They are more round than most pears and have tan, smooth skin.
They are best eaten raw and have juicy, crisp flesh. We have found many stir fry dishes made with Asian pears as well!
The Asian pear is native to East Asia but can now be found around the world. They are known for their sweet flavor that tastes like an apple and pear combined.
2. African mango
The African mango is often called bush mango. They are prized for their health benefits. Some claim eating African mango can help you lose weight and control diabetes.
African mangos have a sweet, rich flavor. They contain more protein and fat than a regular mango. The tropical fruit is quite different than a regular mango and useful in its own way.
3. Alpine Strawberry
Alpine strawberries are much smaller than standard strawberries. They have a more robust flavor than other, larger berries.
The alpine strawberry grows in the wild. They were originally native to Europe and Asia but can be found around the world in cool climates.
People love the tiny alpine strawberry thanks to its powerful flavor and easy-to-grow feature.
4. Apricot
Apricots are in the fruit family Rosaceae. They are closely related to peaches, plums, almonds, and cherries.
Apricots are high in vitamin C, vitamin A and naturally high in sugar. They can be eaten plain, cooked into jam, or used to infuse flavor in liqueur.
5. Alligator Apple
Alligator apples are from the same genus as the soursop fruit. They grow on a tropical tree in Southeast Asia.
Alligator apples are a bright green color with dark green speckles. They are primarily grown in the wild rather than cultivated on farms.
Alligator apples have poisonous seeds. The skin and flesh of the apple are edible but rarely eaten. Squirrels, birds, and other wildlife typically consume alligator apples.
6. Apple
Apples are fruits that grow on apple trees. There are thousands of varieties of apple trees around the world.
Apples can range in size and color. The smooth skin of the apple can be red, green, yellow, or a combination of colors.
Apples are typically crisp with juicy flesh. Some types are sour, while others are very sweet. They are a great fruit for eating fresh, baking, and cooking.
7. Angular Sea fig
Angular sea figs are a type of succulents that are typically grown as ornamental plants. The bright purple flower is quite beautiful!
The thick leaves of the sea fig plant can be eaten raw or cooked. Roasting leaves with a bit of salt is a great way to try this interesting fruit!
8. African Mangosteen
The African mangosteen fruit is often called Imbe fruit and is sweet and tart. The fruit has smooth orange-red skin and a soft center. The flavor is similar to an orange.
9. African Breadfruit
African breadfruit is a large, fibrous fruit about the size of a volleyball. The bumpy skin turns from yellow to brown as the fruit ripens.
Breadfruit is eaten as a main course. It is hearty and very nutritious. Even the seeds from the African Breadfruit have many uses.
10. Acai Berry
Acai berries are small, purple berries about the size of a grape. They grow on the acai palm tree, which is native to central and south America.
The acai berry is prized for its high antioxidant content. The small berries are loaded with vitamins and minerals making them extremely healthy.
Acai berries have become very popular recently. The fruity chocolate flavor is quite delicious. Frozen berries are delicious when blended into a smoothie or dried and eaten as a snack.
11. American Chestnut
American chestnuts are hidden inside a sharp, spiny shell. The smooth nut inside is delicious when roasted.
The American chestnut is a Christmas time classic. Many think the American chestnut is a nut, but it is really a fruit.
American chestnuts are edible, but there are many kinds of chestnuts that are toxic. Be sure the chestnuts you roast over an open fire are American chestnuts!
12. American Red Raspberry
The next fruit on our list of fruits that start with A is the American red raspberry. It’s a perennial shrub that can be quite invasive.
The plant grows quite quickly, producing little red fruits as it grows. American red raspberries are yummy to eat fresh.
They are perfect for baking and making jam. The leaves of the red raspberry plant are used to make herbal tea.
13. Abyssinian Banana
The Abyssinian banana is typically grown as an ornamental plant. They can grow up to 18 feet high and ten feet wide.
The Abyssinian banana tree does not always produce fruit. Mature plants may have a few blooms and yellow skin bananas throughout their life, but this is a rarity.
14. Avocado
Avocado is a nutrient-dense fruit that is often confused with a vegetable. Avocados are not as sweet as other fruits, but their creamy texture and savory taste are simply delicious.
Avocados are native to Mexico and Central America. They are now grown all over the globe due to the high demand for this fresh, green fruit.
Avocado is a staple in Mexican cuisine. It is quite popular as a topping for toast and can be blended into smoothies.
15. Abyssinian Gooseberry
The Abyssinian gooseberry is a small tree originating in East Africa. The small orange fruit of the tree is edible, but so are the roots and stems.
The gooseberries have thin, tender skin and juicy flesh. The taste is sour but rich. Locals often eat Abyssinian gooseberries, and they are not usually exported.
16. Amanatsu
Amanatsu is a hybrid fruit also known as the Japanese summer orange. It is a mix of pomelo and sour orange. We love this unique citrus fruit on our list of letter A fruits.
Amanatsu is eaten fresh or processed into jam and juice. The bright orange peel can be candied and preserved.
17. Akebi Fruit
Get ready for a very cool and exciting letter A fruit. This one is rare, tasty, and fun!
Akebi fruit is native to Northern Japan. Akebi is often called “chocolate vine” and has only recently been harvested and sold.
Akebi has a bright purple shell. The wild akebi will burst open on its own when fully ripe. The flesh can be slurped up, seeds and all.
The seeds of the akebi fruit can be bitter when chewed, but they are very hard to separate from the jelly-like pulp. It’s best just to eat the pulp and seeds in one bite, like a thick yogurt or smoothie!
18. Amaou Strawberry
Tha amaou strawberry is a special type of berry grown in the Fukuoka area of Japan. They are known as the king of the berries because they are sweet, round, and big.
The amaou strawberry is said to be one of the best kinds of berries in the world. Their powerful flavor and large size set them apart from other strawberries. The luxury berries do come with a high price tag!
19. Ambarella
The ambarella fruit grows on a tropical tree in Sri Lanka. It is also called a June plum since it is ripe and ready to eat in June.
Ambarellas are very sour. There is actually no hint of sweetness at all! The flavor can be described as pineapple and mango mixed together without the sweetness.
They have a nice crunchy texture but are best when cooked with some sugar or made into jam.
20. Ambrosia Melon
The ambrosia melon is an exotic hybrid muskmelon. It is often confused for a cantaloupe.
The flesh of the ambrosia is sweet, tender, and pale orange color. They taste like honeydew, cantaloupe, and watermelon mixed together.
21. Annatto
Annatto is a reddish-orange fruit that is used as a condiment or to make food coloring. The small red berries are inside a spiky brown pod.
The red fruit is heart-shaped. It is not often eaten fresh but usually as an ingredient in other food.
22. Annona
The annona fruit is also called a sugar apple. The fruit may look the same size as an apple, but it is actually a bunch of individual small fruits that grow together in a bunch.
Crack open an annona fruit to find a creamy white center. It looks and tastes like custard.
23. Asam Kumbang
The next fruit on our list of fruits that begin with A is the asam kumbang. Asam kumbang is a wild mango with tough, brown skin. It is one of the twenty-five types of mangos that grow in southeast Asia.
Asam kumbang is not exported but more of a backyard food. They are sweet and a little tart with one large seed in the center of the fruit.
24. Arava Melon
This pale green melon is sweet and juicy. Arava melons are also known as Galia melons. They look very similar to honeydew melons.
Peel the skin of the Arava and then slice it in half. Scoop the seeds out of the center and discard them. Then, cut and enjoy this tasty melon fresh!
25. Apple Berry
Apple berries are a favorite fruit of people and birds. The small purple berries drop to the ground when ripe. Apple berries taste similar to a kiwi mixed with an apple.
The apple berry grows in Australia. They grow on a vine in cool, moist areas. The little fruits are high in vitamin C and are often eaten raw as a healthy snack.
Tasty Fruits that Begin With A
Are you surprised by how many fruits begin with the letter A? It’s incredible how many A fruits there are! Give them all a try, and let us know your favorites.
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