Have you ever thought about vegetables that start with T? Can you believe that there are 25 different veggies that start with the letter T? We couldn’t believe it either!
From the Thai chili pepper to Tuscan kale, there are an incredible amount of interesting vegetables that start with T. We think you should try them all!
Homegrown Fresh Tomatoes
Vegetables That Start With The Letter T
We think you will learn a lot about veggies as you look over our list. There is definitely some new and exciting letter T vegetables to explore! Let’s dive right in.
1. Taro
Taro is a root vegetable that is most common in African and Asian cooking. However, taro needs to be cooked to be safe to eat.
It is typically roasted, baked, or boiled. It has a nutty flavor that is also a little bit sweet.
These pear-shaped root vegetables are perfect for starting our list!
2. Turnip
Turnips are another type of root vegetable and perfect for our list of vegetables that start with T. Turnips look like a large, white radish. Some types of turnips have purple edible skin.
Turnips can be eaten raw or cooked. They have a slightly spicy, peppery taste, perfect for adding to salads and stir-fries. You can even eat turnip greens!
The scientific name for turnip is brassica Rapa. All brassica Rapa grow well in temperate, mild climates.
3. Tarwai
Tarwai has edible beans that are bright white. They are usually cooked and seasoned before eating.
Tarwai grows in the Andes mountains and is delicious in soups and salads.
4. Tepary Bean
Tepary beans are extremely drought resistant, much more so than common beans. They grow well in dry climates like Mexico and the southwest United States.
Native Americans have harvested and cooked tepary beans for centuries in the southwestern United States.
The tepary bean is considered a superfood since it is packed with nutrients. It has a nutty flavor and an earthy taste that is quite unique.
The tepary bean is a must-try veggie on our list of vegetables that start with T!
5. Tigernut
Many people see tigernut plants as simply weeds. However, the plant does have delicious roots that make a tasty snack. They are, in fact, vegetables!
Tiger nuts have a thick skin and are slightly chewy on the inside. They can be tough to chew when fresh.
6. Tomatillo
Tomatillo is related to tomatoes. They look like a small green tomato and grow in thin paper skin.
Just like tomatoes, tomatillos are technically a fruit. The seed growth on the inside of the fruit is what declares the classification. However, tomatillos are almost always treated as vegetables no matter what dish you cook!
Tomatillos are most commonly used to make salsa, and the letter T veggie is very popular in Mexico.
7. Tree Onion
Tree onions are common in Korean cooking. They are sometimes called walking onions due to the way they grow.
Tree onions do not flower but rather have bulbs at the end of the stalks where the flowers would typically be.
Use the stalks of the tree onion as you would use a scallion. You can also use the small onion bulbs of the tree onion as you would use a regular onion.
Chop up a small tree onion and add it to salad, soup or cook it into your favorite dinner dishes.
8. Tomato
Tomatoes are a little bit of a trick on our list of vegetables that start with T. Most people consider it a veggie, but tomatoes are actually botanically classified as fruits.
The scientific name for tomato is Solanum Lycopersicum. There are hundreds of different varieties of tomatoes, and they come in all different colors.
Every part of the tomato is edible, including the tiny seeds. Eat it like an apple whole, or slice it into your salads. It is a multi-purpose vegetable!
9. Tatsoi
Tatsoi is closely related to bok choy. The two veggies look and taste quite similar.
The pale green base grows into dark green leaves. The whole plant is edible and fantastic in stir fry. It can be eaten raw but has a peppery taste.
10. Turmeric
Turmeric is typically dried, ground, and used as a spice. However, it is actually a bright orange root vegetable that is a member of the ginger family. The scientific name for turmeric is Curcuma longa.
Turmeric can be used to make tea, season curry, help reduce inflammation or add a smokey spice to foods. Use the vegetables fresh from the ground for an intense taste.
11. Tamarind
Tamarind is a sticky brown vegetable grown on the tamarind tree, native to tropical regions. It has a sweet and sour taste.
Tamarind is often used in Asian cuisine and also to flavor drinks. Tamarind leaves are also edible and have a similar flavor to green beans.
12. Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pepper
The Trinidad moruga scorpion pepper is one of the spiciest peppers on the planet. It ranks over a million on the Scoville heat scale.
If you can get past the hot taste, you will notice that the Trinidad moruga pepper has citrus, fruity, sweet taste.
13. Tabasco pepper
Popular tabasco peppers are the next vegetable that starts with T on our list. Tabasco peppers are common, thanks to Tabasco sauce.
Tabasco pepper is named after the state of Tabasco in Mexico, where the pepper comes from. The scientific name is capsicum frutescens.
These little vegetables are certainly a spicy one on our list of vegetables that start with T!
14. Tomaccio Tomato
The tomaccio tomato is a variety of small tomatoes first developed in Israel. The fruit is typically used to make sun-dried tomatoes.
Tomaccio tomatoes have a very sweet flavor since they have more lycopene than other tomato varieties. They should be harvested from your garden when bright red and slightly soft.
15. Topinambur
Topinambur is the scientific name for the Jerusalem artichoke. The vegetables actually originated in the United States, rather than Jerusalem, as the name would suggest.
Topinmabur can be cooked exactly like a potato. It has a similar, starchy taste.
16. Three-cornered Leek
The three-cornered leek got its name thanks to the shape of the leek stalk. The vegetables look just like a triangle with three complete corners!
The three-cornered leek is completely edible. They are great eaten fresh or cooked.
17. Thai Eggplant
There are several types of Thai eggplant, and they come in many different colors. Thai eggplants are smaller than typical, Italian-style eggplants.
Thai eggplant is most popular in Southeast Asian cooking.
18. Tamarillo
Tamarillo is often called a tree tomato. It is a tropical South American plant that belongs to the nightshade family.
Tamarillo is egg-shaped and red.
19. Thai Chili Pepper
The Thai chili pepper is a very common ingredient in Asian food. The peppers are fairly spicy, scoring about 50,000 on the Scoville scale.
Thai chili peppers are among the hottest peppers and vegetables out there and not for the faint of heart!
20. Thai Basil
Thai basil is often used in curry, chicken dishes, and Vietnamese foods. The plant’s leaves are edible and can be used fresh or dried, ground, and stored for years.
21. Turban Squash
Turban squash is one of the prettiest vegetables that start with T. It has orange, green, and red stripes and a unique turban shape.
Turban squash is edible but not often eaten since they have a mild, almost bland flavor.
22. Tuscan Kale
Tuscan kale has very dark green leaves that are slightly ruffled. It is often called dinosaur kale since the leaves are so large.
Tuscan kale is an excellent source of nutrients, making it an extremely healthy letter T vegetable.
23. Tater
Tater is a nickname for a potato. We still think it counts for our list of vegetables that start with T!
There are many different tyle of taters. They come in all sorts of colors. Taters are root vegetables and should be cooked before eating.
24. Tarragon
Tarragon is a perennial plant of the daisy family. The scientific name for tarragon is artemisia dracunculus.
Tarragon is often dried and used as an herb. It is very common in Italian cooking.
25. Tom Tomatoes
Micro Tom tomatoes are the last of our vegetables, starting with the letter T. They are an extremely small variety of tomato plant that is best grown indoors.
Tom tomatoes are great for salads, soups, or eaten fresh!
Amazing Vegetables that Start With T
It is incredible how many vegetables start with the letter T. We hope you learned something new about the T veggies from around the world!
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