There are a surprising number of fruits that start with L. There are so many letter L fruits that we wanted to write them all down!
We searched the internet to find 22 different fruits that start with L. Each one is unique and exciting!
You may already know a few letter L fruits like the lemon or the lychee. However, have you ever heard of the lakoocha fruit? There are definitely some fruits that start with L on this list that will be new to you.
Take a look at all the fruits that start with L, and then give a few a try. You may discover that your new favorite fruit begins with L!
Fruits that Start with the Letter L
Get ready to learn all about fruits that start with L. The fruit facts are quite fun to read.
1. Lady Apples
Lady apples are one of America’s oldest known varieties of apples. Lady apple fruit ranges in color from bright green to blushing red.
The flesh of the lady apple fruit is sweet and tart. It is delicious when eaten raw but most commonly enjoyed cooked.
2. Loquat
The loquat is a large evergreen shrub. It grows small, orange, edible fruits. The green leaves of the tree are also valuable for making tea.
Loquats have a sweet taste with hints of citrus. Immature loquats are very sour. However, a ripe loquat is soft to the touch and has a tasty, sweet, tart flavor.
3. Lord Lambourne Apple
The lord Lambourne apple has been around since 1907. It is a highly prized dessert apple throughout Europe.
Lord Lambourne apples have a crisp, crunchy texture. The apple is sweet and also a little tart. Lord Lambourne apples are perfect for eating fresh.
4. Lucuma Fruit
Lucuma fruit is native to Chile and Peru. It grows well in cool, coastal climates.
Lucuma looks like a small, orange mango, but the soft flesh is similar to that of a sweet potato. Lucuma fruit even tastes similar to a sweet potato. It is creamy, citrusy, and has a hint of caramel.
5. Lulo
Lulo fruit is also known as naranjilla. Naranjilla translates to mean little orange. Lulo is mostly found in Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama, and Columbia.
Lulo is a tropical, perennial plant. The outside of the lulo is a bright orange color. The center is a light green jelly.
Lulo tastes similar to pineapple and lemon. It is high in vitamin B and vitamin C.
6. Limequat
The limequat is a hybrid fruit that was made by combining the key lime and kumquat plants. The limequat has been around since 1909. The limequat plant produces an abundance of fruit and will bear fruit from a very young age.
Limequats have sweet-tasting skin with a bitter, sour pulp. The taste is very similar to lime. The acidic fruit can be eaten whole or juiced.
7. Lime
Limes are sour, round, green citrus fruits. Limes are very sour, so they are often mixed with other ingredients to make them sweet. Lime juice is also delicious poured over spicy foods.
Limes are very nutritious. They are full of vitamin C, antioxidants, and other nutrients.
8. Lemon
Lemons are a small, yellow citrus fruit. They grow well in humid, warm climates.
Lemons are very versatile in cooking. They are used to add flavor to baked goods, sauces, salad dressings, and marinades.
Lemon juice is great for drink recipes as well. This is one of the most popular fruits that start with L on our list!
9. Lingonberry
Lingonberries go by many different names. They are often called foxberry, rock cranberry, and cowberry.
Lingonberries are related to blueberries and cranberries. They are a similar size to the cranberry. Lingonberries grow throughout the northern hemisphere.
10. Lippens Mango
Lippens mango is an oblong-shaped fruit. They weigh about a pound when mature. Lippens mangos were originally cultivated in South Florida.
Lippens mangos have a very sweet taste. They are also called golden lippens due to their golden yellow skin.
11. Laranja
Laranja is the Portuguese word for an orange. We had to include it on our list of fruits that start with L. Oranges are pretty popular!
Laranjas are a bright, orange citrus fruit. They can be eaten raw, used in baked goods, whipped into a sauce, or juiced. Oranges are very versatile and delicious, thanks to the sour and sweet flavor!
12. Lemon Aspen
The scientific name for lemon aspen is acronychia acidula. It is also called lemon wood.
The lemon aspen fruit is small to medium-sized. It tastes similar to lime and grapefruit mixed together.
13. Lakoocha Fruit
Lakoocha fruit is also known as monkey fruit or monkey jack. It grows on a tropical evergreen tree found only in tropical regions, mainly in Asian countries.
Lakoocha fruit is generally eaten raw and has a sweet, tangy taste. They are not often transported or used in commercial settings. You will have to travel to Southeast Asia to try a lakoocha fruit!
14. Lablab Fruit
The lablab fruit is a bright purple pod. Each pod contains up to four seeds.
Lablab is eaten like beans. They are often called the Egyptian kidney bean, bonavist bean, Dolichos bean, or Indian bean. They do need to be cooked longer than other beans in order to soften the fruit.
15. Lapsi Fruit
Lapsi fruit is also called Nepali hog plum. It is most prized for its nutritional benefits. The tasty fruit is known to help and prevent stomach aches. It is full of micronutrients, vitamin C, and iron.
16. Langsat Fruit
Langsat is a tasty round berry that grows on langsat trees. They are pale white and grow in bunches. The fruit is full of small bitter seeds.
The white flesh of the langsat fruit is sweet and bitter. It tastes similar to a grapefruit.
17. Lancetilla Mango
Lancetilla mango originated in Honduras. The lancetilla tree can grow exceptionally large and produce tons of mangos.
Lancetilla mangos are large and fiberless. The fruits are typically eaten fresh like most mangoes.
18. Liberty Apple
The liberty apple is mostly red with a hint of yellow. They have crisp, white flesh and are perfect for cooking, canning, or eating fresh. The sweet flesh holds its shape when cooked.
Liberty apples are more disease-resistant than other apples. The beautiful flowers and hardy trees make them a widely grown apple variety.
19. Lychee
Lychee is a small round fruit native to China. They are often called Asian pear or wax apple.
Lychee has a sweet, floral, and acidic flavor. They have hints of strawberry taste and pear as well.
20. Langra Mango
The langra mango is next up on our list of fruits that start with L. Langra are primarily grown in Northern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
Langra mangos stay green until they begin to ripen. Once they are a soft yellow color, they are ready to pick!
21. Loganberry
Loganberries are often called raspberries. They do look very similar to a raspberry, but they are a bit different. While loganberries are a pink hue, the shape and texture of the fruit are more like a blackberry.
Loganberries taste a little like blackberry and raspberry mixed together. They are great to eat fresh and can be eaten cooked into jam or jelly.
22. Lardizabala Fruit
The lardizabala fruit is also known as Zabala fruit. The sausage-shaped fruit grows on the lardizabala tree called coguil in the Mapuche language.
Lardizabala fruit is said to be sweet and pulpy. It is highly sought after for its delicious taste. It is also a great fruit beginning with L!
Amazing Fruits Beginning with L
It is incredible how many fruits start with L. We don’t know which one to try first! Enjoy.
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